ニュージーランド留学通信 2024年度第2号
- グローバル
On 16th January, I went to NZLC. I felt alone when I had a cold, so I was very happy to see my friends. Also, I made a lot of friends at language school. I learned many things, for example, about crimes.
On 18th January, I had a BBQ with my host family and their relatives. I learned a lot about my host family then. My host family is South African.
On 19th January, I went to Ambury Farm near my Caritas friend's house with my friends. I saw lots of animals. My host father likes animals, so I showed him the pictures I took at the farm. Recently, I can communicate better with my host family. My host mother pronounced the English words that I didn’t understand. I would like to talk a lot with my host family in Hamilton.
