ニュージーランド留学通信 2024年度第3号
- グローバル
This Friday, I graduated my English learning school! I went there only two weeks, but I could learn a lot of new words, useful sentences and communication skills.
At first, speaking with my classmates in English was really difficult to me. So, I was really nervous. But now it's still very hard but I can enjoy it. It was my last lesson this Friday, so my classmates gave me a chocolate brownie, a matcha cookie and some lovely letters! They were really delicious. Then during the lesson, suddenly the head teacher came to my class and gave me a graduation certificate. After the lesson, I took some pictures with my classmates!
After I got home, my host mother's grandchildren came to my house. I played some card games with them. We ate a hamburger and ice cream for dinner. And this Saturday my friend and I went to the Hagley Park. It's enormous. Then we walked 8 km there. I was exhausted but it was good exercise and fun!
This Sunday, I'll change my host family to go to the high school. I think I'll miss her so much. I made lots of memories with her, but I want to make more amazing memories with my new host family! From next Wednesday, I'm going to go to the Villa Maria High School!!! I'm really looking forward to going there.
金曜日、私は語学学校を卒業しました! 2週間しか通っていませんが、新しい単語や役立つフレーズ、コミュニケーションスキルをたくさん学ぶことができました。
最初はクラスメートと英語で話すのが本当に難しくて、とても緊張していました。でも今では、まだ非常に難しく感じるものの、楽しく話すことができています。金曜日は私が参加する最後のレッスンだったので、クラスメートたちがチョコレートブラウニーや抹茶クッキー、そして素敵な手紙をくれました! とてもおいしかったです。その後、レッスン中に突然校長先生が教室に来て、卒業証書をくださいました。レッスン後にはクラスメートと一緒に写真を撮りました!
