
ニュージーランド留学通信 2024年度第4号



   Monday was a holiday, so I went to the maze of corn fields and water slider with my host family. The maze was so big, and it was quite difficult. We ate real fruit ice cream and chose strawberry. The clerk girl of the ice cream shop was a student of Sacred Heart. I was surprised because she is same old as me.

   I played with my host brother a lot because Tuesday to Thursday no schools. We watched anime, drew pictures and relaxed in the spa. We watched “Squid Game” in a day! It was interesting. I gave my host brother a Kendama. He preferred and became a Kendama master only practiced for 5 days. The pet dogs are so cute! They are Milo and Toby. 

   Friday was the orientation day of school! It was fun! The school uniform is pretty.

   On Saturday, I invited my friend of Caritas to my house, and we made Japanese curry and rice to my host family. 


火曜日から木曜日は学校がなかったので、ホストブラザーとたくさん遊びました。一緒にアニメを見たり、絵を描いたり、スパでリラックスしたりしました。『イカゲーム』を一日で全部見ました! 面白かったです。アレックスにけん玉をあげたら、とても気に入ってくれて、たった5日間の練習でけん玉の達人になりました。ペットの犬たちもすごく可愛いです! マイロとトビーという名前です。

金曜日は学校のオリエンテーションデーでした! 楽しかったです! 学校の制服もかわいいです。

